We'll ship after Sept. 15th. Sizes are limited, reserve your pair today.

Yoga Alliance Members Perks










SOM Footwear promotes proper posture and balance.

Welcome Yogis and Yoginis,

We think you are going to love our natural, handcrafted footwear for journeys inside and out of the studio.

As you know, proper alignment of the toes is essential to having good posture and balance. Our shoes are designed to mimic the feeling of being barefoot, allowing you to spread your toes and stay grounded.

Browse our current models here.

 Yoga business owners are eligible to apply for wholesale pricing or be part of our affiliate program

To receive more information, contact Nathalie at somteam@somfootwear.com or call (970) 765-2616.


Connect with us on social media:

Facebook- SOM Footwear
Fashiolista - @SOMFoot
Instagram- @SOMFootwear
Pinterest- SOM Footwear
Tumblr- SOM Footwear
Twitter- @SOMFootwear
Youtube- SOM Footwear

Downward dog illustration.